America 2024 – Day Thirteen

Out on the road for forty days
Last night in Little Rock put me in a haze
Sweet, sweet Connie, doin’ her act
She had the whole show and that’s a natural fact
Up all night with Freddie King
I got to tell you, poker’s his thing
Booze and ladies, keep me right
As long as we can make it to the show tonight

We’re an American band
We’re an American band
We’re comin’ to your town
We’ll help you party it down
We’re an American band

– Grand Funk Railroad

Tuesday 21 May, 2024

Everyone is nervously watching the weather forecast for the weekend, and all signs – at this moment, a good few days out from Sunday – point to at least some rain on Sunday. When and how much are the big questions. If they have not run one lap over the halfway mark, which is 100 laps, and rain comes, the race will not be official, which means waiting out the weather, drying the track and running again (it gets dark around 8:00pm in Indianapolis) or, weather permitting, coming back Monday. There will be a lot of gnashing of teeth as we get closer to Sunday, that’s for sure. I’m hopeful of a window to get all five hundred miles in.

A quiet morning. Slept in and went out for a walk around this incredibly beautiful neighbourhood. It was quite warm, which has been the theme of the last few days, here and in Texas. The sky always has those fluffy clouds that you think might turn into thunderheads at any moment. So far, so good.

Drove up to Avon, to the west of downtown, and had some nice chicken wings for lunch before going over to the cinema complex where they were showing “Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace” in honour of that film’s twenty-fifth anniversary. Talk about making a guy feel old! Ultimately, the first of the prequel trilogy isn’t the best Star Wars film ever, but it’s always fun watching a part of George Lucas’ epic space saga on the big screen.

Quiet night in. Ate burgers and watched the last two episodes of “Manhunt”. A brilliant series and the last episode was especially good.

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