America 2024 – Day Twenty-Six

He loves his wife and she’s that wife
That decorates on the Fourth of July
But says ‘Every day’s Independence Day’
She’s golden rule, teaches school,
Some folks say it isn’t cool
But she says the Pledge of Allegiance anyway.

He’s got the red, white, and blue flyin’ high on the farm
“Semper Fi” tattooed on his left arm
Spend a little more in the store for a tag in the back that says ‘USA’
He won’t buy nothin’ that he can’t fix,
With WD-40 and a Craftsman wrench
He ain’t prejudiced, he’s just made in America

-Toby Keith

Monday 3 June 2024

Good sleep after a big weekend at the track. Woke up to a very thick fog blanketing Detroit and across the river to Windsor, Ontario, Canada. There is a Caesar’s casino in Windsor, and for a time, the bright-red neon lettering was just about all you could see through the pea soup. The top half of the GM Renaissance Centre was also lost in the fog. Went through a run through the fog – quite atmospheric.

Other than that, a quiet day. Drove back to Chicago, about four hours away, stopping at Cracker Barrel along the way for lunch. What can I say? I like the folksy-type feel of that place. As anyone who has been will know, they serve enormous meals so I didn’t even need dinner.

Back at it tomorrow.

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