America 2024 – Day Twenty-Eight

Around here we break our backs just to earn a buck
We never get ahead but we have enough
I watch people leave and then come right back
I never wanted any part of that
And I’m proud to say I love this place
Good ol’ small town USA

Give me a Saturday night, my baby by my side
David Allan Coe and a six pack of Light
An old dirt road and I’ll be just fine
Give me a Sunday morning that’s full of grace
A simple life and I’ll be okay
Here in small town USA

– Justin Moore

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Fantastic day today.

It rained overnight and was cloudy and very humid in the morning, making my jog a little sweatier than I would have liked, but after a kilometer or so, I settled in. I’ve tried to run most mornings here, not just to counter all the food I’m eating (and, to be honest, all the beer I’m drinking) but also because it’s a great way to see the area where I’m staying. The Village of Lombard is particularly beautiful.

Headed downtown mid-morning. The Chicago skyline was set against heavy storm clouds when we arrived and went to the iconic eatery Billy Goat’s Tavern for double- or triple-cheeseburgers and a shot of the infamous Chicago liquor, Malört, with my IndyCar radio friend Sam.

It’s hard to describe Malört – a traditional wormwood-based digestif , according to it’s website – except to say it might be akin to rocket fuel and certainly clears out the sinuses. It’s iconic Chicagoan, a rite of passage here for better or worse, and now that I’ve finally had my first shot, after avoiding it for fifteen years, I don’t think there’s anything left on my Windy City Bucket List now.

Billy Goat’s Tavern is on the lower level of Michigan Avenue, not quite underground but close, and when we left there to go back upstairs, we were greeted with blue skies and sunshine, with barely a cloud left in the sky. The transformation was incredible. As you can see from the photos, the weather was perfect. I’ve been visiting Chicago nearly annually since 2009, and I’m not sure I’ve ever seen it so spectacular. We walked about 6km mostly on the iconic Riverwalk that, as the name suggests, follows the Chicago River, to work off the cheeseburgers.

The best part? No cicadas!

Got back from downtown and went out for dinner with the Rovik’s at Warren’s Ale House, where the beer menu is longer than the food one. It was $0.95 wing night, so I indulged in a few of those and some amazing tortellini as well. Great food, great beer and great company.

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